Whats your relationship status?
KC: Takkeen & In love
Do you like it when someone kisses your neck?
KC: Oui
Jess: n__________n
Who was last person in/on your bed besides you?
KC: jess says: DOMINIC! kc says: you said it broski
Jess: Cous cous
What's your mood?
KC: salfjagdsaklghsdalblah blah blah!
Jess: HOLY FUCK! LAST SATURDAY! I ammmmm buuuzzzeedd
Have you ever kissed someone who's name starts with D?
KC: Whaatthhaa? It's like the survey knew it was for me
Jess: No
Do you have any pets?
KC: Yuki
Jess: One's gay & the other's adorable
Are you hungry?
KC: I want my adobo
Jess: The chicken's calling my name!
Have you had sex today?
Jess: Naaaahh
Do you like ice cream?
Jess: Ube & Buko Pandan
Has anyone on your top friends seen you naked?
KC: Naahh
Jess: My sister ?
Do you have a best friend?
KC: Yeah they're the best. i have something to say. JESSELIN BRO! negro.
Jess: She's beside me, the other one's outside, the other's are having a "boys" day
Are you happy with your life?
KC: Mmm, yess
Jess: A few hours ago, I wasnt buuut at the moment, LIFE IS THE SHIIIIITTT!
What color is your hair?
KC: Blacckk with a bit of brown
Jess: Blaaccckk with teal & blonde streak
Ralph: Nothinnngg
Think back. Who did you like last year at this time?
KC: Manuel >=]
Jess: Yo' mamma
What time is it?
KC: 11:32
Jess: Too early to be this buuzzzeedd
What's the date?
KC: I dont know, take it away jesselin
Jess: Fuck the date.
Are you cold at this very moment?
KC: *silent* NO
Jess: Naaahhhh
Is there anyone in the room with you?
KC: Jesssee
Jess: She's beside me
Have you ever been out of state?
KC: Nigga, i lived in Canada
Jess: Mhmmmmmmmm
Do you like cross word puzzles?
KC: *silence* NO
Jess: If they're easy
Name someone who's name starts with a F.
KC: Fucker
Jess: Franchesca
What 'color eyes do you prefer in the opposite sex?
KC: blues kinda cool. but my opposite sex has brown eyes. :)
Jess: Mmmm, I like every color :DDDDDDDDDDD
When was the last time you looked at the stars with someone?
KC: Pass
Jess: Just like an hour ago
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
KC: *nod*
Jess: Not tonight
Have you ever woke up crying from a bad dream?
KC: *nod*
Jess: O________________________O yeah
Have you ever played spin the bottle?
KC: Oui
Jess: -____-
Are you currently online?
KC: No
Jesss: Obviously DUMBAAAASS!
Do you have kids?
KC: In the future, eight!
Jess: My cousin called me Mommy.
Do you want kids?
KC: No shit
Jess: I want SEVEN!
What are your plans for tomorrow?
KC: Probably get fucked up again
Jess: Wake up, probably not go to church, ummm..dinner then get FUCKKKEDDD UP before schoool starts BIITTCHHHESS!
Do you cuss often?
KC: I am queen potty mouth
Jess: When I feel like it.
Are you a mean person?
KC: Yess, at times
Jess: Usually, then when I'm high & drunk.
Does anyone hate you?
KC: Yeah
Do you think relationships are even worth it?
KC: If your the right person
Jess: Mm, as of the moment, I could care less.
If something was wrong, who is the first person you would go to?
KC: Jess & Sheila
Jess: I thought he was gonna be there for me and make me forget all the drama, but he somewhat left me "/
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
KC: *silence* No
Jess: Naaahhh, I'm concentrated on different shit.
Could you go out in public looking like you do right now?
KC: yes
Jess: I'm down for it
Do you usually tell people when you're mad at them?
KC: *silence* uhhhh, if they're worth discussing with
Jess: Mmmmm, not today buuuut yeah usually
Are you in a good mood right now?
KC: I'm in a great mood
Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again?
KC: no. because i broke up with him because he was too far away and i just lost interest in the fijian boy.
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
KC: All the fuckin time!
Jess: Tattoo can wait, but the piercing's are calling my name!
Do you miss anyone?
KC: Do i miss dominic right now ? Kinda but i'm having soo much fun
What is stressing you out most right now?
KC: The fact that school is coming up
Jess: Don't even bring it up. I'm here to forget shit & and get fuuuccckkeed up!
Have you ever been called a tease?
KC: ive been called many things but that. :D
Jess: *silence* yes
Are you waiting for a phone call?
KC: no
Jess: why should i? -________________-
Have you ever been with someone while they were throwing up?
KC: my seestar
Jess: i hate it
What hurts right now?
KC: not my vagina.
Jess: My heart.
If you were kicked out of your house, where would you go first?
KC: Jesselins or ralphies
Jess: EEVERYWHEREE. & kc's
Do you wish you could ever hug yourself to see if you're a good hugger?
KC: I'm not that fucked up, k?
Jess: I know i am n___n
Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you liked them?
KC: aaalll the time.
Jess: Screw him
Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
KC: Jess Bess
Jess: Raaaaaaalph
Did the last person who hurt you, ever apologize?
KC: No. he bitched about how i ruined his fucking life. WHEN I DIDN'T DO SHIT
Jess: I don't think he realizes it
Can you commit to one person?
KC: so far i can. theres something about Domo
Jess: as of the moment, NO n_________________________________n
Whats the first thing you heard this morning?
KC: Cable guy
Jess: uhm my alarm
Do you prefer people who talk a lot or are quiet?
KC: I don't fucking know, dude
Jess: As of this moment, LLLOUUUUDDDDDDD
Could you go a month without talking to your best friend?
KC: do you want me to commit suicide?
Jess: I would die
Are there any bruises on your body that are the result of your own stupidity?
KC: nope.
Jess: Missed a step resulting my shin hitting the edge of the stairs
Is it more common for you to follow your heart or your mind?
KC: that's what you get when you let your heart win WHOAAAA OH AH OHHHH OHHHH. my heart
Jess: Mmmmm, as of the moment, nothing. I am emotionally drained
Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
KC: yess, i have
Have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower?
KC: Yes, i actually do all the time
Jess: Once in a while
When was the last time you completely broke down?
KC: Ummmmmm, liiikkee uuh a few weeks ago
Jess: Today annnnnddd the alcohol & stoggs are my bestfriends right now n_______________n
Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
KC: Not anymore cause that bitch is stupppiiidd and a assshole!
Jess: Today.................................................yeah
How bad are heartbreaks?
KC: *singing* veerryyy bad
Jess: As of the moment, it's hard to absorb his way of me being a "homegirl"
Have you ever taken a long trip alone?
KC: No
Jess: Excluding my auntie & uncle, my mind was somewhere far.
If you were to have a baby girl right now, what would you name her?
KC: Athena
Jess: Mmmmm, it would have to be Page
If you were to have a baby boy right now, what would you name him?
KC: Jeff or Kale
Jess: Jayden
Should you really be doing homework right now?
KC: What fucking homework
Jess: NOO, but I'm supposely home locked inside my room. AHAHAHHA I LOOOVVEE BEING REBELIOUS!
What triggered your last kiss?
KC: Hornyness
Jess: I dont fucking remember
What's something you're currently looking forward to?
KC: Getting fucked up again
Jess: Not only that, buuut school so my mind is focused on more shit than him
Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
KC: Non
Jess: Naahh niiggaa
Do you ever let your parents know how much you appreciate them?
KC: I should more often
Jess: They wouldn't care, AHHAHA
If you could spend a summer anywhere in the world, where'd you go?
KC: Somewhere in fuckin Europe
Jess: LA & San Diego, I like them cuuuttee So Cal duuudddess ;] and the beach!
Do you enjoy buying things for yourself or for others more?
KC: Bootthh
Jess: Don't matter
Does your family have a close relationship?
KC: Yeaahhh
Jess: Usuallhy
Does being in love make you nervous?
KC: HELL YEAH! Cause i dont wanna screw anything up
Would you do your own surgery to keep yourself alive?
KC: If i knew I was doing
Jess: If it kept me alive, yeaaahh!
Do people that are ungrateful for everything bother you?
KC: Hell yeah, they need to shut the fuck up sometimes
Jess: They're idiots (period)
Have you ever cussed in front of kids?
KC: Guilty as charge
Ralph: Yeah
If your enemy lost almost everything, would you be willing to help them?
KC: Of course
Jess: I'm a mean person
Have you ever prayed for your enemies?
KC: Ummmmmm, if murder and rapiest count
Jess: Never thought of that
Do you lie in order to tell people what they want to hear?
KC: HELL YEAH! If I have to
Jess: No
Are you angry about something?
KC: Naahh
Jess: Don't bring that shit up NIIGGGAA! I'm having such a good time, don't kill my buzzed
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
KC: Indeeed
Jess: Naahh, not tripping
Do you smoke weed everyday?
Ralph: Try to
KC: I wish
Jess: SOON
Would you ever live with any of your best friends?
KC: FUCK YEAH, that's the plan
Jess: Right now, it feels like it breeezy!
Do you know anyone that smokes weed?
KC: Do you know anyone who DOESNT smoke weed
Would you like to put any night on repeat, and live it forever?
KC: I would like to put in on repeat but numerous times
Jess: Yesss but the forever part's just neeeds to leave
Are you mad at someone right now?
KC: No
Jess: Should i be ? As matter of fact, they should eat my shit for not being there for me except for these two broskiessss sitting next to me
Do you prefer to call or text?
KC: Text
Jess: Which ever
Who did you last text?
KC: Eric
Jess: KC
What is missing in your life right now?
KC: Ummmm, nothing
Jess: Schoool -_____________-
Are your parents overprotective?
Jess: FUCK THAT SHIT, it's the last week of school, bout to be hellaa bad assssss
How was this week?
KC: aiiiiigghhhtt
Jess: SO MUCH UPS AND DOWNS. Stop bringing my hopes down
Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can't?
KC: Yuuupp
Do you think blondes are stupid, honestly?
KC: I was a blonde, am i dumb?'
Jess: Naaahh.
Who are the past three people to send you a text?
KC: Jess bess, Domdom & Eric
Jess: KC, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm Derek ? aannnd Tim?
Duck duck goose or hide and seek?
KC: Hide and seek all the way
Jess: As of the moment, KINNGGSSS CUP!
How much has changed since a year ago today?
KC: Soo much
Jess: I smoke weed more, thaatts how much
Were you happier now or then?
KC: Noooww
Are you still trying to find happiness?
KC: I found it in a jeigerbommmmmmbs
Jess: I found that tooo & in weed annndd sneaking out annnd stogging annnndd more sneaking out annnnd eating. LOOOVEEE IT
Has anybody on your top friends ever admitted to liking you?
KC: Yea
Jess: Liiikkkee 3 of them ?
Do you get along with guys?
KC: they're my homeboys, i cant get along with girls except for Jess bess
Jess: As of the moment, likkkee 3of them I cant because one just literally left me hanging, one didnt really care about me crying annd the other fucked me over but the rest, I LOVE
Do you enjoy being single?
KC: Yeaahh
Are you satisfied with what you have in life?
KC: yeah, cant complain
Jess: I could care less on what I dont have. I'm buzzed and that's all i care about
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
I Has Been Sooo Out Of It Lately. n___n
I'm thinking of dying my hair back to blonde after senior year for one reason. A haircolor is a reflection of a mood or a personality. Brown hair is doing a lovely job at complementing my quiet personality and mood. Maybe being a blonde kid again will help bring out the part of me that I like, the outgoing, crazy, flamboyant part of me that I've kept hidden for a while. I'm so bored today that I'm almost tired from it. I wish I had seasons of The OC on DVD, I could really go for a marathon right about now, or even someone to come over and watch movies with me. On a lighter note, going shopping was super fun and I got hella shit. It feels sorta good when you spend $250.00 on clothing. Sweet. All I need now are a new pair of kicks and sick shadesss. Oh, and school supplies. hahahaha, I almost forgot about that. I have a feeling that the next few months will go by super fast but super stressful at the same time. September always flies by. I can't believe it will be a year in a few weeks since I first moved here. Time just fucking flies.
When will these pointless blogs ever make sense?

p.s This caught my eye. Oxymoron! It's so beautiful
When will these pointless blogs ever make sense?

p.s This caught my eye. Oxymoron! It's so beautiful
In All Honesty,
I've been sadder in the past few days than I have been since I was a little kid. Gah, I need a miracle or something. I'm bored. I just want to be happy. I just want excitement.
I'm In Such An Emotional State, Gtfo.
- I was reading the texts between me and you and I can't help but wonder, what the fuck happened? We were so close and you helped me with almost everything I've been through this past year. I miss you a lot and I hope you come around.
- I always bitch about school starting, but in truth, I'm excited to go back to school (sort of) so that I can focus on something whole-heartedly that is productive.
- Part of me can't wait for fall. What's more beautiful than boots, scarves, layers, crisp air and a rainbow of dead leaves on the pavement? Nothing, that's what.
- My visit in Canada was too short. I miss my Grandma and I would do anything to go back because it hurts to know that she cries when I'm away. And to my friends, you guys will always be the originals. hahaha, don't forget that. Drinks when i get back, k?
- My boyfriend's hot. Just saying. It's amazing how the butterflies in my stomach are still there just fluttering around for you.
- I miss long talks at random hours of the night with the boys and Jess filled with humor, depth, and compliments.
- My nails need to be done badly. But what's the point? I always fuck them up anyway.
- I was reading the texts between me and you and I can't help but wonder, what the fuck happened? We were so close and you helped me with almost everything I've been through this past year. I miss you a lot and I hope you come around.
- I always bitch about school starting, but in truth, I'm excited to go back to school (sort of) so that I can focus on something whole-heartedly that is productive.
- Part of me can't wait for fall. What's more beautiful than boots, scarves, layers, crisp air and a rainbow of dead leaves on the pavement? Nothing, that's what.
- My visit in Canada was too short. I miss my Grandma and I would do anything to go back because it hurts to know that she cries when I'm away. And to my friends, you guys will always be the originals. hahaha, don't forget that. Drinks when i get back, k?
- My boyfriend's hot. Just saying. It's amazing how the butterflies in my stomach are still there just fluttering around for you.
- I miss long talks at random hours of the night with the boys and Jess filled with humor, depth, and compliments.
- My nails need to be done badly. But what's the point? I always fuck them up anyway.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I know not where I'm going,
for the ocean will decide.
It's not the destination,
it's the glory of the ride.
for the ocean will decide.
It's not the destination,
it's the glory of the ride.
1. Are you in love? oui.
2. Ever kissed anyone with the name starting with a B? uhhh, yes. If the last name counts.
3. Are you watching TV? nope.
4. If you were given a drug test right now would you pass? yess.
5. Do you know anyone in jail/prison? Nope.
6. Do you like the color green? Love it.
7. Who were the last 3 people to send you a message? Emily, Sheila, Dominic
8. Ever drove into the ghetto to buy drugs? nawww.
9. Do you have a crush? Yes.
10. Last restaurant you went to? Ricky's. Good ass mo fucking steak and pasta.
11. Last message you received? "hoy me heartee. where are you?" from Sheilaaa
12. What did you do yesterday? Drive to Canadaa and paaartyyy
13. What's the first thing you would do with five million dollars? Give some to charity.
14. How many hours did you sleep the night before last? 4.
15. Who was the last person that you felt was stalking you? Some weird guy at the hotel i'm staying at.
16. Have you ever been on your school's track team? 4th grade, BIIIITTTCCHH.
17. Do you have any pets? Yuki.
18. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you go? Yesss.
19. Do you swear at your parents? Not AT them, just...with them.
20. Is your phone right beside you? oui!
21. Have you cried today? non!
22. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? hmmm, maybe!
23. What is the color of your bedsheets? Red.
24. Have you ever crawled through a window? Oui.
25. Are you photogenic? Sometimes.
26. What do you spend most of your money on? Food.
27. What was the last thing you did? Before this, read Breaking Dawn.
28. Do you have a tattoo? Where words fail, music speaks.
29. Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends? Some.
30. Ever told someone you love them and didn't mean it? Yeeees.
32. Are your parents married/divorced/separated? marrrried.
33. What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? it's whatever i guess. I'm just not into that.
34. What objects are around you right now? Dog, cell, lamp, water, phone, sunglasses, keys.
35. What's on the walls of your room? Nooothing.
36. Are you genuinely happy? I guess.
37. Do you have trust issues? Yes, i do.
38. What are you looking forward to tomorrow? Seeing my sisterrr. Eating breakfast at the hotel, HAHAHAH.
39. What are you not looking forward to tomorrow? 4 hours in the car without an ipod.
40. Where's the last place you went? Ricky's
41. What's your favorite thing to do? That's a tough one. Sing, cuddle, read, EAT, sleep.
42. What do you miss right now? Boyfriend.
43. Lyrics stuck in your head? "but youu're so hypnotizing, you've got me laughing while i sing, you've got me smiling in my sleep"
44. What are you doing this weekend? kelownaaa
45. Two emotions you're having now? tired, loved.
1. Are you jealous of one or more of your friends? hell naw.
2. Have you known any of your friends your whole life? No, but it seems like it.
3. Are any of your friends taller than you? All of them.
4. Have you ever been ditched by a friend? Hell yes. It sucks, asshole.
5. Do you have your friend's phone number's memorized? oui.
6. Have you lost or forgotten a friends phone number? Yupp.
7. Have you been to most of your friends' houses? Hmmm, i think so.
1. Do you play with things when nervous? Yupp.
2. Do you have an odd obsession with knives? No.
3. Do you sleep with the door open or closed? Closed.
4. Is there at least one sound you can't stand? Duct tape in use.
5. What is your worst habit? Pick at my nails.
8. Do you love most of your friends? Of course.
1. Do you think abortions are horrible? ugghh, yes.
2. Are you against or think gay marriage is bad? Not at all.
3. Needles aren't so horrible? They aiiight.
4. You have plenty of secrets? Yes.
1. Have you ever fallen UP the stairs? hahahahahahahah, gtfo.
2. Have you ever had a nail fall off? eughhh, the thought. Nope.
3. Have you ever slapped someone across the face? Yes.
4. Have you ever killed anyone? Pierre =[ my pet ant.
5. Worn the same clothes for a week straight? naaw.
1. Do you enjoy drama? A little, but i do not enjoy excessive drama.
2. Have you ever gotten in a fist fight? hahahahahaha, no.
3. Who would you like to hit right now? Miley Cyrus. But that's like all the time.
4. Is there any type of rumor going around about you? Probably.
1. Are you in love? oui.
2. Ever kissed anyone with the name starting with a B? uhhh, yes. If the last name counts.
3. Are you watching TV? nope.
4. If you were given a drug test right now would you pass? yess.
5. Do you know anyone in jail/prison? Nope.
6. Do you like the color green? Love it.
7. Who were the last 3 people to send you a message? Emily, Sheila, Dominic
8. Ever drove into the ghetto to buy drugs? nawww.
9. Do you have a crush? Yes.
10. Last restaurant you went to? Ricky's. Good ass mo fucking steak and pasta.
11. Last message you received? "hoy me heartee. where are you?" from Sheilaaa
12. What did you do yesterday? Drive to Canadaa and paaartyyy
13. What's the first thing you would do with five million dollars? Give some to charity.
14. How many hours did you sleep the night before last? 4.
15. Who was the last person that you felt was stalking you? Some weird guy at the hotel i'm staying at.
16. Have you ever been on your school's track team? 4th grade, BIIIITTTCCHH.
17. Do you have any pets? Yuki.
18. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you go? Yesss.
19. Do you swear at your parents? Not AT them, just...with them.
20. Is your phone right beside you? oui!
21. Have you cried today? non!
22. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? hmmm, maybe!
23. What is the color of your bedsheets? Red.
24. Have you ever crawled through a window? Oui.
25. Are you photogenic? Sometimes.
26. What do you spend most of your money on? Food.
27. What was the last thing you did? Before this, read Breaking Dawn.
28. Do you have a tattoo? Where words fail, music speaks.
29. Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends? Some.
30. Ever told someone you love them and didn't mean it? Yeeees.
32. Are your parents married/divorced/separated? marrrried.
33. What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? it's whatever i guess. I'm just not into that.
34. What objects are around you right now? Dog, cell, lamp, water, phone, sunglasses, keys.
35. What's on the walls of your room? Nooothing.
36. Are you genuinely happy? I guess.
37. Do you have trust issues? Yes, i do.
38. What are you looking forward to tomorrow? Seeing my sisterrr. Eating breakfast at the hotel, HAHAHAH.
39. What are you not looking forward to tomorrow? 4 hours in the car without an ipod.
40. Where's the last place you went? Ricky's
41. What's your favorite thing to do? That's a tough one. Sing, cuddle, read, EAT, sleep.
42. What do you miss right now? Boyfriend.
43. Lyrics stuck in your head? "but youu're so hypnotizing, you've got me laughing while i sing, you've got me smiling in my sleep"
44. What are you doing this weekend? kelownaaa
45. Two emotions you're having now? tired, loved.
1. Are you jealous of one or more of your friends? hell naw.
2. Have you known any of your friends your whole life? No, but it seems like it.
3. Are any of your friends taller than you? All of them.
4. Have you ever been ditched by a friend? Hell yes. It sucks, asshole.
5. Do you have your friend's phone number's memorized? oui.
6. Have you lost or forgotten a friends phone number? Yupp.
7. Have you been to most of your friends' houses? Hmmm, i think so.
1. Do you play with things when nervous? Yupp.
2. Do you have an odd obsession with knives? No.
3. Do you sleep with the door open or closed? Closed.
4. Is there at least one sound you can't stand? Duct tape in use.
5. What is your worst habit? Pick at my nails.
8. Do you love most of your friends? Of course.
1. Do you think abortions are horrible? ugghh, yes.
2. Are you against or think gay marriage is bad? Not at all.
3. Needles aren't so horrible? They aiiight.
4. You have plenty of secrets? Yes.
1. Have you ever fallen UP the stairs? hahahahahahahah, gtfo.
2. Have you ever had a nail fall off? eughhh, the thought. Nope.
3. Have you ever slapped someone across the face? Yes.
4. Have you ever killed anyone? Pierre =[ my pet ant.
5. Worn the same clothes for a week straight? naaw.
1. Do you enjoy drama? A little, but i do not enjoy excessive drama.
2. Have you ever gotten in a fist fight? hahahahahaha, no.
3. Who would you like to hit right now? Miley Cyrus. But that's like all the time.
4. Is there any type of rumor going around about you? Probably.
Hey jude, dont make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
Hey jude, dont be afraid.
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
Hey jude, dont be afraid.
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I enjoy new steeze, new shoes, new make-up, and nice nails. I do not enjoy complication and confessions, although they do add a bit of craved drama in my life. I miss my dog. I don't like sleeping alone. I like affection. I like how the ends of my hair are super fried, although I miss blonde hair. I like folding laundry. I wish people would tell me what I wanted to hear, but at the same time I like honesty. I wish my phone rang. I enjoy the comfort of talking to old friends who I've known for years and years who know the ins and outs of me. It feels like there isn't a lot to really look forward to now that school is coming up. I mean, I'm sure there are things that I could look forward to, but getting my hopes up for things does me no good. It seems that every time I get smacked down, it takes a bit less time to get up. But that scares me, because one day I'll just stop caring. I'm stuck in this indifferent, monotone-like mood. Oh wait, it's because I have a stiff neck. The only thing I'm severely looking forward to is seeing my best friend's pretty little face next week. I'd really just like to make a pot of tea and sit outside and sip as much caffeine as I can. Once September comes, I won't have time to think about any of this. It'll be an 'all or nothing' thing. Everything will be okay in the end, and if it's not okay, I guess it's not the end.

p.s. twinkle twinkle little staaarrrrrr. >=]

p.s. twinkle twinkle little staaarrrrrr. >=]
Sunday, August 9, 2009
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ouch. It hurts to laugh
(519): and then she said I drew a line on her forehead with my cum and whispered "Simba"
Secret #16
When i was younger, I used to think sharks could swim out of drains and eat people. n____n
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I will be M.I.A for a while due to the fact that I will be starting fresh to be a better person, taking on life's adventures, and working my ass off....
AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH okay, i lied. My computer's busted and it'll remain that way until i tell my father about this unfortunate situation. My computer holds everything and it's a bit of a bummer that it won't turn on. -_____- I fucked up, so what? stfu. I've been feeling like a failure this past week soo this isn't all that new to me. Hmm, at least this will force me to start reading again (including my drivers ed booklet thingy) and working on SATs and all that other grown up stuff. This is also a chance for me to vacuum the apartment. greeeeeaatt. So, basically, i'm in an emo stage when i know i could be super happy buuuuttt i don't feel like it because I SUCK. Let me dread. I'll be back on track in a couple of days.
AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH okay, i lied. My computer's busted and it'll remain that way until i tell my father about this unfortunate situation. My computer holds everything and it's a bit of a bummer that it won't turn on. -_____- I fucked up, so what? stfu. I've been feeling like a failure this past week soo this isn't all that new to me. Hmm, at least this will force me to start reading again (including my drivers ed booklet thingy) and working on SATs and all that other grown up stuff. This is also a chance for me to vacuum the apartment. greeeeeaatt. So, basically, i'm in an emo stage when i know i could be super happy buuuuttt i don't feel like it because I SUCK. Let me dread. I'll be back on track in a couple of days.
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