Friday, July 25, 2008

That little creepy girl oh she loves to sing. She has a little gift an amazing thing.

Kerli is an amazing music artist. If you like alternative/electronic...go get her cd :)

hi.I haven't written on this fucker in a
Let's begin :)
I prob have a shitload to say but i'll just tell you how my last 2 days were. Uhmm OH i watched The Dark Knight again and i understood it more this time. Dayumm Christian Bale YOU ARE SO HOT. Your clown of a mother must be jealous of you and your achievements. Yeah anyway, so i watched it with my friends Manny and Rei at 12:30 which was kinda stupid cause when we got to Rei's house we were all really sleepy. I ate Rei's food with Manny and i felt kinda bad but that's okay. It's kinda sad cause his rooms way cleaner than mine :( and he has a tv and a computer too. BLAHHHHH. lame-o. His dog has the same name as me isn't Actually it's really fucking cool. Anyways yeah so that day was nice. I got out of the house so YAY.

shit so last night i had 3 different dreams and I'm going to explain 2 of them cause i don't remember the third one.
so my FIRST dream was about ghosts. Not scary ghosts...Kinda cool actually. So it was me, sheila, robbie, petrina, rei, adam, and eirielle. We were in this house of this old ladies and she was telling us how the ghosts were coming and we might turn into one blah blah and she had all these gadgets and stuff to catch a ghost (like GHOST BUSTERS!) and i was so tempted to take a gadget and
put it in my bag but they were all BOO KC YOU'RE A SCAREDY CAT. THERE'S NO GHOSTS. So we go outside of her house and it's around 4:00 am in my dream so it's getting A bit brighter but we all look at each other and BAM we're all of a sudden like faded looking and glowy and we're all like ohhhh shit. Then we all had this uneasy feeling so we go back to the old ladies house but no one answers the door. So we knock and knock and knock on her door and she opens the curtain and she screams and she has this posessed look and we're all liek AHH SHIT IM SCARED IM SCARED and she's like HELP MEE in this creepy fucking voice. so we start running up the street and some little kid comes out and hes all normal he was a cute little ginger kid! Don't remember what he looked like anymore..but he was like HEY DO YOU GUYS NEED HELP? and we're liek YEAHH THERE HAS TO BE A REASON WHY WE'RE GHOSTS. so he's like I'LL HELP YOU. aww he had this cute little smile on so we couldn't say no to him. So on the way of running he didn't really help us...he kinda just stayed with us. Then some guy that resembled Hitler started fighting us and we went all ninja on his ass so yeah :) then after it was kinda bright and we were all back to normal.

that was basically my first dream. My Second dream was no joke.. ABOUT ME AND CHRISTIAN BALE. uhhh nothing much actually it was kinda short but we were just on a roadtrip to somewhere in this nice car with air conditioning and kool-aid. BUT CHRISTIAN BALE. HOT DAMN HIS ARMS, HIS TEETH, HIS MOOBS, HIS GODDAMN FACE! he is just tooooo hot to handle. :)

So I seriously wanna do something saturday night because i am so sick of staying at home doing shit all. I have no life. All i do at home is go on the computer, eat, read, and sometimes i walk my dog but thats like once a week. He's really fat and i feel really bad. I love my dog. Then i end up sleeping at like 4 in the morning and waking up at 3 pm. My sleeping pattern sucks. WHY IS EVERYONE OUT OF TOWN? oookay i'm really lazy to type anymore so im gonna go. PCEEE

p.s It's a Girl!
Qila, the beluga, gave birth to her first calf at 4:28 p.m. Tuesday, June 10, 2008.


REI said...


tanya said...

i friggin love kerli.